1.Nevertheless, apparent, contemporary welcome colourful talent is more of the literal meaning that accords with it.
2.An Ontological Inquiring Into the Concept of "Literal Meaning"
3.By Irony, a rhetoric device, we get a language style in which the literal meaning is different from its real one.
4.is the act of uttering words, phrases, clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology.
5.The representation of the metaphor literal meaning is the premise of deeper semantic representation and the further processing of metaphor.
6.from the literal meaning of view, the fire board is the fire, many consumers have this misunderstanding.
7.there may be both literal meaning and image of the significance, but there is no hidden meaning .
8."Irony" has just two opposite rational meanings, literal meaning and libral meaning (concerning the conception) and two emotional tinges .
9.Thus, an allegory is a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.
10.The literal meaning of 'education, ' however, is 'to draw out' -- which starts to sound a lot like invitation to me.